Tablescape a Noun 1. An artistic arrangement of articles on a table.
Whether it’s a formal dinner party or a casual get together, a beautiful table design welcomes your guests and sets a mood for a memorable evening. As the holidays approach, Sandra is often asked by clients to design a beautiful holiday table setting and to decorate their homes.
DIY Tablescaping from Domina Interior Designs
To start the creative process we ask the following questions. What are you celebrating? What type gathering it is? What is the mood you are trying to set? What pieces do you own that you would like to incorporate into the design?
Tip 1: Season themes are often the best inspiration, instagram posts, and magazines are a great place to start brainstorming about how you want your table to look. Also keep in mind accessories are readily available at any price point.
Decorative accessories can be from kitchy to elegant…citrus fruits, berries, branches, potted plants, tropical leaves, rocks, stones, and candles…
The key here is to be creative and have fun.
Tip 2: We often suggest starting with a neutral base, a light colored tablecloth i.e. white or cremes can offer many options to create. A simple fabric or a luxurious textured cloth will do. Once you have selected the tablecloth you can then begin layering with a runner, placemats or charges. Layering textures, in similar tones are crucial in creating a beautiful and inviting Tablescape which is both pleasing to the eye and great conversation starters. Think outside the box.
Tip 3: Protect your cloth from stains, by applying a “Scotchgard” type product (Amazon now offers clean versions of this type of fabric protectant) Apply 2 to 3 applications a few days before you plan to use it. Always do a small test patch. This will protect your cloth from some of those nasty food spills and wine.
Depending on the number of guests you may choose to a set of dishes, glasses and flatware or alternatively you can choose to mix of different patterns with similar colors. This works with traditional, transitional, modern, and farmhouse themes.
The idea is that the table should have a cohesive look whether it’s with a color scheme or style. Personally, we prefer to use a mix of dishes, glasses and flatware to create drama. If you choose to do a mix, checkout your local thrift store or yard sales for great deals.
Tip 4: Depending on the shape and size of your table incorporate candles and objects in small groupings of odd numbers. Candles can be votives, low pillars or battery operated if guests have allergies. At Domina Designs we always suggest unscented candles at a dinner table.
Fresh flowers are always a fabulous focal point for any table. Keep in mind that vases with flowers should not be higher than 8-10 inches, lower height pieces help to engage guests in conversations from across the table.
We often suggest fabric napkins, it sends a message to guests that they are special. Place a tie of some sort around the napkin to create a ring. Some everyday house items can be used ribbon, twine, a flower, beads.
Tip 5: No worries, if you don’t have options to accessorize with, just stick with a color theme and the table will look put together.
Tip 6: For larger groups we always encourage using place cards. Mix up the seating arrangements try not to seat best friends or couples next to each other. When a host arranges the seating, guests have some of the most interesting conversations. So when possible always pre set seating.
Tip 7: It’s important not forget other tables in the room. If there are space constraints on the dining table, consider setting a buffet area with candles or fresh flowers, or just putting a small design element on cocktail table, or end tables.
And remember turn on the music, enjoy creating the space with love and embrace new with memories family and or friends.